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Someone looked at the #1 DRUNK fast food joint in all 50 states by checking which one people Google the most on the biggest drinking days of the year. McDonald’s is first overall with 22 states. Then Burger King with 14, and Wendy’s with four. Wyoming is the only state where Taco Bell is #1.… MORE
Doing chores is great for your BRAIN, according to a new study. The researchers found that people who do a lot of housework have bigger and stronger brains . . . which is a key to staying sharp as you get older and even avoiding things like dementia.… MORE
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During this past year, have you found yourself needing to find little things to make yourself happy . . . and even just to get you through the day? A new survey asked people what “simple pleasures” in life make them the happiest. And here are the top 10 . . . …… MORE
If you’re gonna risk jail time to steal something, make sure it’s worth more than two dollars . . . Cops in New York are looking for a guy who broke into a frozen yogurt shop on Easter . . . and only stole TOPPINGS. He broke a window of their…… MORE
The best way to wake up more alert and less groggy is waking up to a song you like, according to a new study. And it should be an upbeat song . . . so don’t pick something depressing. Read More From Study Finds… MORE
Justin Bieber says his drug problem was so bad that bodyguards would check his pulse as he slept By Jack Guy, CNN (CNN) –Justin Bieber has opened up about his transformation from wild child to reformed character. In an interview with GQ magazine, the 27-year-old singer spoke freely, revealing the extent of his drug problem…… MORE
1. The five countries with the most English speakers are the U.S. . . . India . . . Pakistan . . . the Philippines . . . and Nigeria. Then England is sixth. 2. The official bird of the small island country Mauritius is . . . the dodo. …… MORE