Ok, which one of you stole these monkeys from a Louisiana zoo?… MORE

Ok, which one of you stole these monkeys from a Louisiana zoo?… MORE
The “Big Game” is less than two weeks ago, and in addition to the football, there’s a good chance you’re also watching the Puppy Bowl or the Kitten Bowl – because we love our pets! But, do our dogs and cats like to watch sports too? Well, the short answer is Shreveport is.. YES! Someone…… MORE
We’re just two weeks away from Valentine’s Day, so if you’re planning on ordering anything online . . . you should probably get on that. According to an annual survey by the National Retail Federation, the average person in Shreveport and the ArkLaTex expects to spend around $190 on Valentine’s Day! That’s up from an…… MORE
More winter weather is coming to the Shreveport weather. Rain and cold temps are expected Tuesday afternoon that could change to freezing rain Tuesday night/into Wednesday morning, making the commute on Wednesday morning in the ArkLaTex messy. Some parts of the region could get ice. A Winter Storm Warning is in effect for the West…… MORE
I would really hate it if this were how you learned you actually won the lottery, so fingers crossed you didn’t buy this ticket.… MORE
Four armed and dangerous escapees are on the run after a jail break in Arkansas. It happened about 1:20 a.m. Monday at the Columbia County Detention Center in Magnolia, Arkansas. KTBS-TV is reporting that the list of escaped inmates. are: A list of the escapees and their charges is below. Rico Rose, 32, capital murder…… MORE
Get ready for a strawless experience at a Shreveport area drive thru near you soon. McDonald’s has started testing strawless lids at select restaurant locations across the country, and they could be coming soon to the Shreveport area. The new plastic lids reportedly have a pullback tab to prevent the drink from splashing out. To…… MORE
This video started going viral yesterday after a teacher at a local Shreveport high school was caught on camera talking about weight and basically fat shaming. Parents all over Shreveport and the ArkLaTex have expressed outraged over his comments to students. Warning some of the audio is NSFW View this post on Instagram A post…… MORE
This Louisiana woman decided it was time to leave her job at Walmart, and quit using the store’s PA system.… MORE
There have been plenty of arguments about which restaurants have the best fries in the Shreveport area. But, once you get your fries – what do you do with them? Dip ’em? Eat them plain?? A poll asked people how they like their fries. They asked about McDonald’s specifically, but it can probably be applied…… MORE