From the unfortunate demise of Taco Bell’s Mexican Pizza to the triumphant return of the McRib, there were plenty of fast food headlines users ate up in 2020. Pun intended, BTW. Posted by KTAL NBC 6 on Thursday, December 24, 2020… MORE

From the unfortunate demise of Taco Bell’s Mexican Pizza to the triumphant return of the McRib, there were plenty of fast food headlines users ate up in 2020. Pun intended, BTW. Posted by KTAL NBC 6 on Thursday, December 24, 2020… MORE
RECALL: The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission says some of the bottles may have a hole in the bottom, and they… Posted by KTAL NBC 6 on Thursday, December 24, 2020… MORE
[vemba-video id=”7802e96bd7c08cd711d8884d4d5d92e”]… MORE
The sandwich is made of two slices of Spam and Oreo cookies, topped with mayonnaise. Posted by KTAL NBC 6 on Thursday, December 24, 2020… MORE
(Photo Credit: KTAL / NBC 6 Facebook)… MORE
Last week we found out The Gap at the Louisiana Boardwalk was closing. Now their sister store Banana Republic has put up the EVERYTHING MUST GO — STORE CLOSING sign 🙁… MORE
Netflix has released a report on the most-watched content of the year . . . but as usual, they didn’t reveal many specific numbers. Here are a few of the things they DID note . . . Viewing of “foreign language titles” was up over 50% this year, compared to last year. The most popular…… MORE
Back in April, a woman in San Diego named Kirstin Miceli and her family got themselves a cat. It was a Siamese cat, and they named him Ghost. But in September, Ghost disappeared. The family put up posters and searched for Ghost but couldn’t find him. Then, earlier this week, a friend of…… MORE
This sucks — The GAP at the Boardwalk just put their STORE CLOSING signs in the window! This sucks – another casualty of 2021!… MORE