Do you have a friend who’s ALWAYS late? And if you say “no” . . . well, maybe you’re that friend.
Seven out of 10 groups of friends say they have a person who’s pretty much always late, according to a new survey. But . . . less than a quarter of people are willing to admit they’re “that friend.”
47% of people say they’ve lied to their friend who’s always late about what time something was starting . . . so that way if the person got there late, they’d actually be on time.
The survey also found we’re pretty generous about what counts as “late” . . . we won’t officially say someone’s late until after 13 minutes.
The top three things we stress about being late to are: Job interviews . . . doctor’s appointments . . . and the airport.
And the top three excuses we use when we’re late are: Traffic . . . the alarm clock not going off . . . and car trouble.