Thankful Thursday

This Thankful Thursday, I’m grateful for an understanding boss! I raised 3 children alone, so I know first hand that the family/workplace struggle can be real! Have you been torn between attending your kid’s field day or attending your morning meeting? Been there. Ever had to run to the school for a suddenly sick child on the very day of your important presentation? Done that! After most of us were able to enjoy a little flexibility in 2020 & 2021 could you go back to a job that was rigid on a no-kids policy? Here’s some suggestions if you’re looking for an understanding workplace:


School Bus Driver

Child Care

Family Entertainment Centers

Here are more jobs suggestions that I found on the world wide web 🙂

Blessings to you and your family!


Let’s talk more @MAGICisKVMA on Twitter, Instagram & Facebook

Follow me, too @NinaOnAir on all platforms!
